Always Safe Sidewalks uses a patented saw-cutting, non-grinding, process to remove your trip hazards. Unlike buttering and grinding, our repairs are considered Industry Standard repairs. Our repairs are effective (comply with Americans with Disabilities Act slope), efficient (averaging 30 minutes per repair) and economical (substantial savings over full concrete replacement).
To comply with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA), all trip hazards greater than 1/4” can be repaired. Any trip hazard greater than 2” on a 4” poured slab will not be addressed by Always Safe Sidewalks as there is a concern for decreasing the structural integrity when removing more than half the total depth.
Residential projects will be considered on a case by case basis and are typically accepted if we already plan on being in the area for a larger scale project.
In addition to repairing trip hazards we also offer the following additional services:
Curb Cutting

Crack Repair

Expansion Repair